123 Flash Chat has over 400,000 customers from all around the world, including over 150 countries/regions, and the number keeps growing!
80% of the customers come from America and Europe and specifically we have satisfied customers in China, Australia, Netherland, Cambodia, USA, France, Spain, UK, Canada, Germany, Korea, Taiwan, Indonesia, Slovenia, Norway, Italy, HK, Mexico, Qatar, Belgium, Sweden, Argentina, Finland, Chile, SriLanka, Nicaragua, Austra, Japan, SaudiArabia, Egypt, SouthKorea, Denmark, Switzerland, Dominican Republic, SouthAfrica, Israel, Philippines, Pakistan, Thailand, Croatia, Columbia, PuertoRico, CostaRica, Turkey, Venezuela, Greece, Poland, Bahrain, Portugal, Peru, UnitedArabEmirates, India, Mozambique, Lebanon, Brazil, Singapore, Iran, Slovakia, Colombia, Romania, etc.