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Flash Chat Server Software

Integrate External Database

If you have your own user system for your website, you can integrate the system with chat server to avoid users entering the 123 Flash Chat room with double registration. Please refer to the following document for integration.

Here comes the configuration procedure:
1. Please login the Admin Panel
2. Click System Setting -> Integration Panel in sequence
3. Select the corresponding type from the Database dropdown list, click the Edit button to the next panel, setup correct settings for it and then click the OK button.

for integration use

Here comes the ways of integration.

1. Auth URL Integration (a simple and recommendable way)
The whole scenario is that the chat server will communicate with the external database through a dynamic webpage, like PHP, ASP, or JSP.

It is simple and stable, therefore, a recommendable way to accomplish integration. It requires you to be familiar with your own database, and capable of coding dynamic webpage.

for external database integration

Explicitly speaking, the dynamic webpage (Auth URL) will perform as the communication medium of the chat server and the database. i.e.: when a user tries to log in the chat server, the server won't connect to the user database directly, instead, it will send the username and password to the dynamic webpage (Auth URL). Then the dynamic webpage (Auth URL) will request the database to authenticate the user and respond to the chat server in a predefined way, whether approved or declined.

Dynamic Webpage (Auth URL) Output:
(What does each number means on the authentication result)
0 - login successfully;
1 - wrong password;
2 - the username can't be used;
3 - login error
4 - username does not exist
5 - successfully login as an administrator

Note:Dealing with guest login, the dynamic webpage (Auth URL) will get no password and fail to find any username in the database, in that case, the dynamic webpage (Auth URL) should respond 4 to ensure the user to enter the chat room successfully, otherwise, if it responds 0, 1 or 5, the chat server will decide the username is already taken and decline the user's connection request.

for auth-url integration use

Here we offer two samples for you to better understand auth-url integration:

2. Other ways for Integration
Besides auth-url integration, 123 Flash Chat also offers other ways to integrate with your database. Let's introduce them one by one.
If you need to integrate MySQL database, please select MySQL and click Edit, fill in the required fields and click OK, the users stored in MySQL database then could conveniently log in your chat.
without re-entering their username or password.

for mysql configuration use

If you need to integrate your Oracle database, the integration is similar with MySQL, select
Oracle and click Edit, fill in the required fields and click OK.

for oracle configuration use

If your database needs to be accessed via ODBC (such as SQL Server), you need to configure it at here:

for odbc integration use

If your database needs to be accessed via JDBC, please select Common and click Edit, fill in the fields and click OK.

for common integration use

If you have any question during the integrating process, please email to [email protected] for help.


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