123 Flash Chat server software is a feature rich and high performance Java chat server with an amazing Flash chat client! It's a fast, easy and affordable way to host and manage real-time communication. 123 Flash Chat server software can integrate existing databases for forums or websites. It's fully customizable for admins and end-users. Module IntroductionWith the MOD/ module for MaxWebPortal, you will be assisted in embedding a real-time chatroom with MaxWebPartol database integrated into your website. It adds a chat room with multiple skins and single sign-on. Recent change: added social connect feature. 
Single sign-on Once logged in MaxWebPortal, users don't have to re-enter their username or password again to access chat. Social Connect Chat users can add linking to their Facebook, Twitter, Yahoo or Google account, so to update their status on the social networks with their activities in chat! 
Cross Mobile Devices
Mobile Apps: Chat owners may launch your iPhone, iPadand Android apps for users to chat anywhere, anytime. Details New!
Before you install this mod, please download 123 Flash Chat Server software from
http://www.123flashchat.com/download.html to get the latest demo version of 123 Flash Chat server software. 
(123 Flash Chat is a shareware, with 10 concurrent users free edition.) Online DemoGeneral demo of 123 flash chat server softwarehttp://www.123flashchat.com/demo.html You can select skins and languages Download this Module File size: 5.4MB
Installation Level: Intermediate Installation Time: ~5 Minutes Remark MaxWebPortal is a web portal and online community system which includes advanced features such as web-based administration, poll, private/public events calendar, user customizable color themes, classifieds, user control panel, online pager, link, file, article, picture managers and much more. Easy-to-use and powerful user interface allows members to add news, content, write reviews and share information among other registered users. To be able to use MaxWebPortal you need a computer, an database server(SQL Access and so on), Internet Information Service(Windows NT or Windows xp Profeesionla)installed and running. MaxWebPortal runs well on the following Operating Systems: - Linux
- Any Unix flavor
- OS/2
- Any Windows flavor
- MacOS
- FreeBSD
The system has been high tested on Linux systems, the other operating system has been reported by users that works great. MaxWebPortal is designed to be very customizable and flexible, is easy and pleasant to use, thinking about webmasters who pass hours administrating his web site. MaxWebPortal also offers a very high number of features not present on other systems and on each release we'll add much more new and cool features. - Community Forums
- Articles Manager
- Download Manager
- Event Calendar
- Links Manager
- Pictures Manager
- Classifieds Manager
- News Archive
- Support Forum
- Control Panel
MaxWebPortal distribution comes with English language set by default, but you can change it to your own language. |