5.4 New Features Highlight Missed-Call report is added. The missed requests will be counted for each operator in a certain period with the pickup rate, as well as the relative customer information. | Video module is improved 1) RTMPT URL setting is added, as the backup alternative of RTMP address. 2) The max video setting is added to the admin panel. 3) Add the following five settings to video module: width, height, FPS, bandwidth, quality. 4) Video windows, either the operator or the customer client, can be popped up and resized. 5) Video and audio settings can now be separately controlled.  | Improved Report in Admin Panel The report statistics are more accurate, and an option, search by a certain time period is added. | Add Note in Operator Panel So operators can add comments to the customers and visitors, and then better save information and facilitate the further search. | Transfer chat improved Live chat can be now transferred not only to another operator, but also another department, , (so that an available operator in that department can pick it up.)  | Always-on-top button is added In operator panel, an always-on-top button is added to facilitate the operator's work, it can be configured in Tools -> Options -> Other.  | More language packs French and German language interface packs are added.
| Client Bugs Fixed 1. The loading speed is improved to tolerate even a slow network speed. 2. The reconnection way of the client is optimized. 3. All the small icons can now be displayed correctly even when using parameter "init_root" in the code generation process. 4. The font size of the transferred talk will remain the same as before. 5. The color of the text on buttons will change accordingly with the skin. |
Language Packs Bugs Fixed 1. The server can automatically detect any new language folder in the specific directory (Installed Directory\etc\groups\default\lang\), so that the website admin can add a new interface language easily at the back-end and launch it for the live chat clients in the admin panel. 2. All elements can be controlled by the language packs, whether the customer or the operator client, without changing any code. 3. Admin can define the interface language by attaching some parameters, like: 123livehelp.swf?init_lang=xxx. | Server Bugs Fixed 1. Even in the HTTP communication mode, now the client video can be opened and the proactive chat video can be configured effectively. 2. Even after enabling the encrypted message mode, some words of the operator will no longer become unrecognizable to customers. |  Please Upgrade! Users are highly recommended to upgrade to 5.4! 123 Live Help license buyers, • Please write to support@livehelp.com to request upgrade, and we'll send you instructions accordingly. 123 Live Help hosting buyers, • Please write to support@livehelp.com to request upgrade, and we'll handle the upgrade as soon as we're ready. |