Integration It's possible to integrate the free IM with your user database, too. You can get the user name from session or cookie on your website and log them in automatically as guests. Please add the following variables into the code generated above, then put them to every webpages with the IM, for example: <script language="javascript"> var username_123webmessenger=<?php echo $_SESSION['user'];?> </script> Pros and Cons of the Free Web Messenger Pro: 1) The Facebook-like web messenger is hosted by TOPCMM 123 Web Messenger, free of charge, no connection limit, and provide the basic one to one chat functions. 2) The users of your website can still enter the web messenger using their names on the website, if the integration is done correctly. Con: 1) Although the usernames in website can be integrated to 123 Web Messenger, they will automatically enter IM as guests. e.g., sharon(guest), which means others can login the IM using sharon manually too. 2) The hosted IM is not dedicated to your website only, other users are possible to choose the same host name and share the hosted IM with you. 3) No admin, no settings 4) No permenant friends, friends can be added to the friend list temporarily but won't be saved for next logon. So you are recommended to upgrade by purchasing a license or hosted chat. The license fee will be one-time fee for a life time, and the hosted chat fee will be recurrent fee. Comparison: Free VS. Charged Hosting Buy 123 Web Messenger License or Hosting Service