123 Flash Chat Server Software Introduction123 Flash Chat Server Software is a feature rich and high performance Java chat server with an amazing Flash chat client! It's a fast, easy and affordable way to host and manage real-time communication. 123 Flash Chat server software can integrate existing databases for forums or websites. It's fully customizable for admins and end-users. IP-CMS Chat Module For 123 Flash Chat Server Software Introduction With the chat module for IP-CMS , you will be assisted in embedding a real-time chatroom with IP-CMS database integrated into your website. Once logged in IP-CMS , users don't have to re-enter their username or password again to access chat. Online Chat Demo http://www.123flashchat.com/demo.html You can select skins and languages. Download this IP-CMS Chat ModuleFor IP-CMS 0.99:
 Before you install this mod, please download 123 Flash Chat Server software here:

to get the lastest demo version of 123 Flash Chat server software. (Note: 123 Flash Chat server is a shareware, with 10 concurrent users free edition.) Installation Level: Intermediate Installation Time: ~10 Minutes RemarkIP-CMS introduction |